
Hannah Wilson

Hannah has long loved stories and reading, so much so that her mom had to limit her to one new book a day for a few years as a child so that she’d do other things (such as school work and occasionally venturing outside with her siblings.)  This naturally turned into a love of writing, with her youngest brother as an appreciative audience for her first epic fantasy story involving an elven prince with a hidden identity (okay, it wasn’t a great story, but she was pretty young herself.)

In college, she studied Biblical Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies and kept writing stories, as well as frequent blog posts, letters, and academic research papers.  After graduation, she moved quite a few times — to China to teach English to undergraduate students, to Ohio to figure out how to be an adult in the US, and to Indiana to work at a coffee shop/bakery that one of her friends had started.  While she was teaching in China, she got a master's degree in TESOL & Intercultural Studies from Wheaton College.  Through many twists and turns, she ended up married to a good friend from college, whom she had met in a Dagorhir club.  Now she’s settling into life only a few miles away from her family and working as much as possible with writers, serving as the Acquisitions Editor & Author Liaison for Uncommon Universes Press and coaching writing with WriteAtHome.

She tends to hoard notebooks, pens, and books.  Also elephants.  She would dearly love to have an elephant of her own, but hasn’t figured out a way to make that work yet.